Emergent Mind

A Machine-Checked Proof for a Translation of Event-B Machines to JML

Published Sep 9, 2013 in cs.SE , cs.LO , and cs.PL


We present a machine-checked soundness proof of a translation of Event-B to the Java Modeling Language (JML). The translation is based on an operator EventB2Jml that maps Evnet-B events to JML method specifications, and deterministic and non-deterministic assignments to JML method post-conditions. This translation has previously been implemented as the EventB2Jml tool. We adopted a taking our own medicine approach in the formalisation of our proof so that Event-B as well as JML are formalised in Event-B and the proof is discharged with the Rodin platform. Hence, for any Event-B substitution (whether an event or an assignment) and for the JML method specification obtained by applying EventB2Jml to the substitution, we prove that the semantics of the JML method specification is simulated by the semantics of the substitution. Therefore, the JML specification obtained as translation from the Event-B substitution is a refinement of the substitution. Our proof includes invariants and the standard Event-B initialising event, but it does not include full machines or Event-B contexts. We assume that the semantics of JML and Event-B operate both on the same initial and final states, and we justify our assumption.

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