Emergent Mind

Information filtering via hybridization of similarity preferential diffusion processes

Published Aug 31, 2013 in cs.IR , cs.SI , and physics.soc-ph


The recommender system is one of the most promising ways to address the information overload problem in online systems. Based on the personal historical record, the recommender system can find interesting and relevant objects for the user within a huge information space. Many physical processes such as the mass diffusion and heat conduction have been applied to design the recommendation algorithms. The hybridization of these two algorithms has been shown to provide both accurate and diverse recommendation results. In this paper, we proposed two similarity preferential diffusion processes. Extensive experimental analyses on two benchmark data sets demonstrate that both recommendation and accuracy and diversity are improved duet to the similarity preference in the diffusion. The hybridization of the similarity preferential diffusion processes is shown to significantly outperform the state-of-art recommendation algorithm. Finally, our analysis on network sparsity show that there is significant difference between dense and sparse system, indicating that all the former conclusions on recommendation in the literature should be reexamined in sparse system.

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