Emergent Mind

On the weight distributions of several classes of cyclic codes from APN monomials

Published Aug 27, 2013 in cs.IT and math.IT


Let $m\geq 3$ be an odd integer and $p$ be an odd prime. % with $p-1=2rh$, where $h$ is an odd integer. In this paper, many classes of three-weight cyclic codes over $\mathbb{F}{p}$ are presented via an examination of the condition for the cyclic codes $\mathcal{C}{(1,d)}$ and $\mathcal{C}{(1,e)}$, which have parity-check polynomials $m1(x)md(x)$ and $m1(x)me(x)$ respectively, to have the same weight distribution, where $mi(x)$ is the minimal polynomial of $\pi{-i}$ over $\mathbb{F}{p}$ for a primitive element $\pi$ of $\mathbb{F}{pm}$. %For $p=3$, the duals of five classes of the proposed cyclic codes are optimal in the sense that they meet certain bounds on linear codes. Furthermore, for $p\equiv 3 \pmod{4}$ and positive integers $e$ such that there exist integers $k$ with $\gcd(m,k)=1$ and $\tau\in{0,1,\cdots, m-1}$ satisfying $(pk+1)\cdot e\equiv 2 p{\tau}\pmod{pm-1}$, the value distributions of the two exponential sums $T(a,b)=\sum\limits{x\in \mathbb{F}{pm}}\omega{\Tr(ax+bxe)}$ and $ S(a,b,c)=\sum\limits{x\in \mathbb{F}{pm}}\omega{\Tr(ax+bxe+cxs)}, $ where $s=(pm-1)/2$, are settled. As an application, the value distribution of $S(a,b,c)$ is utilized to investigate the weight distribution of the cyclic codes $\mathcal{C}{(1,e,s)}$ with parity-check polynomial $m1(x)me(x)ms(x)$. In the case of $p=3$ and even $e$ satisfying the above condition, the duals of the cyclic codes $\mathcal{C}_{(1,e,s)}$ have the optimal minimum distance.

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