Emergent Mind

CrowdGrader: Crowdsourcing the Evaluation of Homework Assignments

Published Aug 24, 2013 in cs.SI and cs.IR


Crowdsourcing offers a practical method for ranking and scoring large amounts of items. To investigate the algorithms and incentives that can be used in crowdsourcing quality evaluations, we built CrowdGrader, a tool that lets students submit and collaboratively grade solutions to homework assignments. We present the algorithms and techniques used in CrowdGrader, and we describe our results and experience in using the tool for several computer-science assignments. CrowdGrader combines the student-provided grades into a consensus grade for each submission using a novel crowdsourcing algorithm that relies on a reputation system. The algorithm iterativerly refines inter-dependent estimates of the consensus grades, and of the grading accuracy of each student. On synthetic data, the algorithm performs better than alternatives not based on reputation. On our preliminary experimental data, the performance seems dependent on the nature of review errors, with errors that can be ascribed to the reviewer being more tractable than those arising from random external events. To provide an incentive for reviewers, the grade each student receives in an assignment is a combination of the consensus grade received by their submissions, and of a reviewing grade capturing their reviewing effort and accuracy. This incentive worked well in practice.

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