Emergent Mind

Counter-Strategy Guided Refinement of GR(1) Temporal Logic Specifications

Published Aug 19, 2013 in cs.LO and cs.FL


The reactive synthesis problem is to find a finite-state controller that satisfies a given temporal-logic specification regardless of how its environment behaves. Developing a formal specification is a challenging and tedious task and initial specifications are often unrealizable. In many cases, the source of unrealizability is the lack of adequate assumptions on the environment of the system. In this paper, we consider the problem of automatically correcting an unrealizable specification given in the generalized reactivity (1) fragment of linear temporal logic by adding assumptions on the environment. When a temporal-logic specification is unrealizable, the synthesis algorithm computes a counter-strategy as a witness. Our algorithm then analyzes this counter-strategy and synthesizes a set of candidate environment assumptions that can be used to remove the counter-strategy from the environment's possible behaviors. We demonstrate the applicability of our approach with several case studies.

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