Emergent Mind

A Static Malware Detection System Using Data Mining Methods

Published Aug 13, 2013 in cs.CR


A serious threat today is malicious executables. It is designed to damage computer system and some of them spread over network without the knowledge of the owner using the system. Two approaches have been derived for it i.e. Signature Based Detection and Heuristic Based Detection. These approaches performed well against known malicious programs but cannot catch the new malicious programs. Different researchers have proposed methods using data mining and machine learning for detecting new malicious programs. The method based on data mining and machine learning has shown good results compared to other approaches. This work presents a static malware detection system using data mining techniques such as Information Gain, Principal component analysis, and three classifiers: SVM, J48, and Na\"ive Bayes. For overcoming the lack of usual anti-virus products, we use methods of static analysis to extract valuable features of Windows PE file. We extract raw features of Windows executables which are PE header information, DLLs, and API functions inside each DLL of Windows PE file. Thereafter, Information Gain, calling frequencies of the raw features are calculated to select valuable subset features, and then Principal Component Analysis is used for dimensionality reduction of the selected features. By adopting the concepts of machine learning and data-mining, we construct a static malware detection system which has a detection rate of 99.6%.

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