Emergent Mind


This paper describes the technology of data warehouse in healthcare decision-making and tools for support of these technologies, which is used to cancer diseases. The healthcare executive managers and doctors needs information about and insight into the existing health data, so as to make decision more efficiently without interrupting the daily work of an On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) system. This is a complex problem during the healthcare decision-making process. To solve this problem, the building a healthcare data warehouse seems to be efficient. First in this paper we explain the concepts of the data warehouse, On-Line Analysis Processing (OLAP). Changing the data in the data warehouse into a multidimensional data cube is then shown. Finally, an application example is given to illustrate the use of the healthcare data warehouse specific to cancer diseases developed in this study. The executive managers and doctors can view data from more than one perspective with reduced query time, thus making decisions faster and more comprehensive.

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