Emergent Mind

Application of a clustering framework to UK domestic electricity data

Published Jul 3, 2013 in cs.CE and cs.LG


This paper takes an approach to clustering domestic electricity load profiles that has been successfully used with data from Portugal and applies it to UK data. Clustering techniques are applied and it is found that the preferred technique in the Portuguese work (a two stage process combining Self Organised Maps and Kmeans) is not appropriate for the UK data. The work shows that up to nine clusters of households can be identified with the differences in usage profiles being visually striking. This demonstrates the appropriateness of breaking the electricity usage patterns down to more detail than the two load profiles currently published by the electricity industry. The paper details initial results using data collected in Milton Keynes around 1990. Further work is described and will concentrate on building accurate and meaningful clusters of similar electricity users in order to better direct demand side management initiatives to the most relevant target customers.

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