Emergent Mind


We propose polynomial-time algorithms that sparsify planar and bounded-genus graphs while preserving optimal or near-optimal solutions to Steiner problems. Our main contribution is a polynomial-time algorithm that, given an unweighted graph $G$ embedded on a surface of genus $g$ and a designated face $f$ bounded by a simple cycle of length $k$, uncovers a set $F \subseteq E(G)$ of size polynomial in $g$ and $k$ that contains an optimal Steiner tree for any set of terminals that is a subset of the vertices of $f$. We apply this general theorem to prove that: * given an unweighted graph $G$ embedded on a surface of genus $g$ and a terminal set $S \subseteq V(G)$, one can in polynomial time find a set $F \subseteq E(G)$ that contains an optimal Steiner tree $T$ for $S$ and that has size polynomial in $g$ and $|E(T)|$; * an analogous result holds for an optimal Steiner forest for a set $S$ of terminal pairs; * given an unweighted planar graph $G$ and a terminal set $S \subseteq V(G)$, one can in polynomial time find a set $F \subseteq E(G)$ that contains an optimal (edge) multiway cut $C$ separating $S$ and that has size polynomial in $|C|$. In the language of parameterized complexity, these results imply the first polynomial kernels for Steiner Tree and Steiner Forest on planar and bounded-genus graphs (parameterized by the size of the tree and forest, respectively) and for (Edge) Multiway Cut on planar graphs (parameterized by the size of the cutset). Additionally, we obtain a weighted variant of our main contribution.

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