Emergent Mind

Compressed sensing of block-sparse positive vectors

Published Jun 17, 2013 in cs.IT , math.IT , and math.OC


In this paper we revisit one of the classical problems of compressed sensing. Namely, we consider linear under-determined systems with sparse solutions. A substantial success in mathematical characterization of an $\ell1$ optimization technique typically used for solving such systems has been achieved during the last decade. Seminal works \cite{CRT,DOnoho06CS} showed that the $\ell1$ can recover a so-called linear sparsity (i.e. solve systems even when the solution has a sparsity linearly proportional to the length of the unknown vector). Later considerations \cite{DonohoPol,DonohoUnsigned} (as well as our own ones \cite{StojnicCSetam09,StojnicUpper10}) provided the precise characterization of this linearity. In this paper we consider the so-called structured version of the above sparsity driven problem. Namely, we view a special case of sparse solutions, the so-called block-sparse solutions. Typically one employs $\ell2/\ell1$-optimization as a variant of the standard $\ell1$ to handle block-sparse case of sparse solution systems. We considered systems with block-sparse solutions in a series of work \cite{StojnicCSetamBlock09,StojnicUpperBlock10,StojnicICASSP09block,StojnicJSTSP09} where we were able to provide precise performance characterizations if the $\ell2/\ell1$-optimization similar to those obtained for the standard $\ell1$ optimization in \cite{StojnicCSetam09,StojnicUpper10}. Here we look at a similar class of systems where on top of being block-sparse the unknown vectors are also known to have components of the same sign. In this paper we slightly adjust $\ell2/\ell1$-optimization to account for the known signs and provide a precise performance characterization of such an adjustment.

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