Emergent Mind

Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search in $\ell_p$

Published Jun 15, 2013 in cs.DS and cs.CG


We present a new locality sensitive hashing (LSH) algorithm for $c$-approximate nearest neighbor search in $\ellp$ with $1<p<2$. For a database of $n$ points in $\ellp$, we achieve $O(dn{\rho})$ query time and $O(dn+n{1+\rho})$ space, where $\rho \le O((\ln c)2/cp)$. This improves upon the previous best upper bound $\rho\le 1/c$ by Datar et al. (SOCG 2004), and is close to the lower bound $\rho \ge 1/cp$ by O'Donnell, Wu and Zhou (ITCS 2011). The proof is a simple generalization of the LSH scheme for $\ell_2$ by Andoni and Indyk (FOCS 2006).

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