Emergent Mind

I/O-Efficient Planar Range Skyline and Attrition Priority Queues

Published Jun 12, 2013 in cs.DS


In the planar range skyline reporting problem, we store a set P of n 2D points in a structure such that, given a query rectangle Q = [a1, a2] x [b1, b2], the maxima (a.k.a. skyline) of P \cap Q can be reported efficiently. The query is 3-sided if an edge of Q is grounded, giving rise to two variants: top-open (b2 = \infty) and left-open (a1 = -\infty) queries. All our results are in external memory under the O(n/B) space budget, for both the static and dynamic settings: * For static P, we give structures that answer top-open queries in O(logB n + k/B), O(loglogB U + k/B), and O(1 + k/B) I/Os when the universe is R2, a U x U grid, and a rank space grid [O(n)]2, respectively (where k is the number of reported points). The query complexity is optimal in all cases. * We show that the left-open case is harder, such that any linear-size structure must incur \Omega((n/B)e + k/B) I/Os for a query. We show that this case is as difficult as the general 4-sided queries, for which we give a static structure with the optimal query cost O((n/B)e + k/B). * We give a dynamic structure that supports top-open queries in O(log2Be (n/B) + k/B1-e) I/Os, and updates in O(log2Be (n/B)) I/Os, for any e satisfying 0 \le e \le 1. This leads to a dynamic structure for 4-sided queries with optimal query cost O((n/B)e + k/B), and amortized update cost O(log (n/B)). As a contribution of independent interest, we propose an I/O-efficient version of the fundamental structure priority queue with attrition (PQA). Our PQA supports FindMin, DeleteMin, and InsertAndAttrite all in O(1) worst case I/Os, and O(1/B) amortized I/Os per operation. We also add the new CatenateAndAttrite operation that catenates two PQAs in O(1) worst case and O(1/B) amortized I/Os. This operation is a non-trivial extension to the classic PQA of Sundar, even in internal memory.

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