Emergent Mind

Quaternionic Fourier-Mellin Transform

Published Jun 7, 2013 in math.RA and cs.CV


In this contribution we generalize the classical Fourier Mellin transform [S. Dorrode and F. Ghorbel, Robust and efficient Fourier-Mellin transform approximations for gray-level image reconstruction and complete invariant description, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 83(1) (2001), 57-78, DOI 10.1006/cviu.2001.0922.], which transforms functions $f$ representing, e.g., a gray level image defined over a compact set of $\mathbb{R}2$. The quaternionic Fourier Mellin transform (QFMT) applies to functions $f: \mathbb{R}2 \rightarrow \mathbb{H}$, for which $|f|$ is summable over $\mathbb{R}+* \times \mathbb{S}1$ under the measure $d\theta \frac{dr}{r}$. $\mathbb{R}+*$ is the multiplicative group of positive and non-zero real numbers. We investigate the properties of the QFMT similar to the investigation of the quaternionic Fourier Transform (QFT) in [E. Hitzer, Quaternion Fourier Transform on Quaternion Fields and Generalizations, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 17(3) (2007), 497-517.; E. Hitzer, Directional Uncertainty Principle for Quaternion Fourier Transforms, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 20(2) (2010), 271-284, online since 08 July 2009.].

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