Emergent Mind

Sparse Representation of a Polytope and Recovery of Sparse Signals and Low-rank Matrices

Published Jun 5, 2013 in cs.IT , math.IT , math.ST , stat.ML , and stat.TH


This paper considers compressed sensing and affine rank minimization in both noiseless and noisy cases and establishes sharp restricted isometry conditions for sparse signal and low-rank matrix recovery. The analysis relies on a key technical tool which represents points in a polytope by convex combinations of sparse vectors. The technique is elementary while leads to sharp results. It is shown that for any given constant $t\ge {4/3}$, in compressed sensing $\delta{tk}A < \sqrt{(t-1)/t}$ guarantees the exact recovery of all $k$ sparse signals in the noiseless case through the constrained $\ell1$ minimization, and similarly in affine rank minimization $\delta{tr}\mathcal{M}< \sqrt{(t-1)/t}$ ensures the exact reconstruction of all matrices with rank at most $r$ in the noiseless case via the constrained nuclear norm minimization. Moreover, for any $\epsilon>0$, $\delta{tk}A<\sqrt{\frac{t-1}{t}}+\epsilon$ is not sufficient to guarantee the exact recovery of all $k$-sparse signals for large $k$. Similar result also holds for matrix recovery. In addition, the conditions $\delta{tk}A < \sqrt{(t-1)/t}$ and $\delta{tr}\mathcal{M}< \sqrt{(t-1)/t}$ are also shown to be sufficient respectively for stable recovery of approximately sparse signals and low-rank matrices in the noisy case.

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