Emergent Mind

Secrecy Wireless Information and Power Transfer with MISO Beamforming

Published Jun 5, 2013 in cs.IT and math.IT


The dual use of radio signals for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) has recently drawn significant attention. To meet the practical requirement that energy receivers (ERs) operate with much higher received power than information receivers (IRs), ERs need to be deployed closer to the transmitter than IRs. However, due to the broadcast nature of wireless channels, one critical issue is that the messages sent to IRs cannot be eavesdropped by ERs, which possess better channels from the transmitter. In this paper, we address this new secrecy communication problem in a multiuser multiple-input single-output (MISO) SWIPT system where a multi-antenna transmitter sends information and energy simultaneously to one IR and multiple ERs, each with a single antenna. By optimizing transmit beamforming vectors and their power allocation, we maximize the weighted sum-energy transferred to ERs subject to a secrecy rate constraint for the information sent to the IR. We solve this non-convex problem optimally by reformulating it into a two-stage problem. First, we fix the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) at the IR and obtain the optimal beamforming solution by applying the technique of semidefinite relaxation (SDR). Then the original problem is solved by a one-dimension search over the optimal SINR value for the IR. Furthermore, two suboptimal low-complexity beamforming schemes are proposed, and their achievable (secrecy) rate-energy (R-E) regions are compared against that by the optimal scheme.

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