Emergent Mind

Polynomial Bounds for the Grid-Minor Theorem

Published May 28, 2013 in cs.DS and cs.DM


One of the key results in Robertson and Seymour's seminal work on graph minors is the Grid-Minor Theorem (also called the Excluded Grid Theorem). The theorem states that for every grid $H$, every graph whose treewidth is large enough relative to $|V(H)|$ contains $H$ as a minor. This theorem has found many applications in graph theory and algorithms. Let $f(k)$ denote the largest value such that every graph of treewidth $k$ contains a grid minor of size $(f(k)\times f(k))$. The best previous quantitative bound, due to recent work of Kawarabayashi and Kobayashi, and Leaf and Seymour, shows that $f(k)=\Omega(\sqrt{\log k/\log \log k})$. In contrast, the best known upper bound implies that $f(k) = O(\sqrt{k/\log k})$. In this paper we obtain the first polynomial relationship between treewidth and grid minor size by showing that $f(k)=\Omega(k{\delta})$ for some fixed constant $\delta > 0$, and describe a randomized algorithm, whose running time is polynomial in $|V(G)|$ and $k$, that with high probability finds a model of such a grid minor in $G$.

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