Emergent Mind

Average Stretch Factor: How Low Does It Go?

Published May 17, 2013 in cs.CG , cs.NI , and math.MG


In a geometric graph, $G$, the \emph{stretch factor} between two vertices, $u$ and $w$, is the ratio between the Euclidean length of the shortest path from $u$ to $w$ in $G$ and the Euclidean distance between $u$ and $w$. The \emph{average stretch factor} of $G$ is the average stretch factor taken over all pairs of vertices in $G$. We show that, for any constant dimension, $d$, and any set, $V$, of $n$ points in $\mathbb{R}d$, there exists a geometric graph with vertex set $V$, that has $O(n)$ edges, and that has average stretch factor $1+ on(1)$. More precisely, the average stretch factor of this graph is $1+O((\log n/n){1/(2d+1)})$. We complement this upper-bound with a lower bound: There exist $n$-point sets in $\mathbb{R}2$ for which any graph with $O(n)$ edges has average stretch factor $1+\Omega(1/\sqrt{n})$. Bounds of this type are not possible for the more commonly studied worst-case stretch factor. In particular, there exists point sets, $V$, such that any graph with worst-case stretch factor $1+on(1)$ has a superlinear number of edges.

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