Emergent Mind


The Micropublications semantic model for scientific claims, evidence, argumentation and annotation in biomedical publications, is a metadata model of scientific argumentation, designed to support several key requirements for exchange and value-addition of semantic metadata across the biomedical publications ecosystem. Micropublications allow formalizing the argument structure of scientific publications so that (a) their internal structure is semantically clear and computable; (b) citation networks can be easily constructed across large corpora; (c) statements can be formalized in multiple useful abstraction models; (d) statements in one work may cite statements in another, individually; (e) support, similarity and challenge of assertions can be modelled across corpora; (f) scientific assertions, particularly in review articles, may be transitively closed to supporting evidence and methods. The model supports natural language statements; data; methods and materials specifications; discussion and commentary; as well as challenge and disagreement. A detailed analysis of nine use cases is provided, along with an implementation in OWL 2 and SWRL, with several example instantiations in RDF.

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