Emergent Mind

Mining Frequent Neighborhood Patterns in Large Labeled Graphs

Published May 14, 2013 in cs.DB


Over the years, frequent subgraphs have been an important sort of targeted patterns in the pattern mining literatures, where most works deal with databases holding a number of graph transactions, e.g., chemical structures of compounds. These methods rely heavily on the downward-closure property (DCP) of the support measure to ensure an efficient pruning of the candidate patterns. When switching to the emerging scenario of single-graph databases such as Google Knowledge Graph and Facebook social graph, the traditional support measure turns out to be trivial (either 0 or 1). However, to the best of our knowledge, all attempts to redefine a single-graph support resulted in measures that either lose DCP, or are no longer semantically intuitive. This paper targets mining patterns in the single-graph setting. We resolve the "DCP-intuitiveness" dilemma by shifting the mining target from frequent subgraphs to frequent neighborhoods. A neighborhood is a specific topological pattern where a vertex is embedded, and the pattern is frequent if it is shared by a large portion (above a given threshold) of vertices. We show that the new patterns not only maintain DCP, but also have equally significant semantics as subgraph patterns. Experiments on real-life datasets display the feasibility of our algorithms on relatively large graphs, as well as the capability of mining interesting knowledge that is not discovered in prior works.

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