Emergent Mind

Computing a k-sparse n-length Discrete Fourier Transform using at most 4k samples and O(k log k) complexity

Published May 4, 2013 in cs.DS , cs.IT , cs.MM , and math.IT


Given an $n$-length input signal $\mbf{x}$, it is well known that its Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), $\mbf{X}$, can be computed in $O(n \log n)$ complexity using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). If the spectrum $\mbf{X}$ is exactly $k$-sparse (where $k<<n$), can we do better? We show that asymptotically in $k$ and $n$, when $k$ is sub-linear in $n$ (precisely, $k \propto n{\delta}$ where $0 < \delta <1$), and the support of the non-zero DFT coefficients is uniformly random, we can exploit this sparsity in two fundamental ways (i) {\bf {sample complexity}}: we need only $M=rk$ deterministically chosen samples of the input signal $\mbf{x}$ (where $r < 4$ when $0 < \delta < 0.99$); and (ii) {\bf {computational complexity}}: we can reliably compute the DFT $\mbf{X}$ using $O(k \log k)$ operations, where the constants in the big Oh are small and are related to the constants involved in computing a small number of DFTs of length approximately equal to the sparsity parameter $k$. Our algorithm succeeds with high probability, with the probability of failure vanishing to zero asymptotically in the number of samples acquired, $M$.

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