Emergent Mind

On Achievable Rates for Channels with Mismatched Decoding

Published May 2, 2013 in cs.IT and math.IT


The problem of mismatched decoding for discrete memoryless channels is addressed. A mismatched cognitive multiple-access channel is introduced, and an inner bound on its capacity region is derived using two alternative encoding methods: superposition coding and random binning. The inner bounds are derived by analyzing the average error probability of the code ensemble for both methods and by a tight characterization of the resulting error exponents. Random coding converse theorems are also derived. A comparison of the achievable regions shows that in the matched case, random binning performs as well as superposition coding, i.e., the region achievable by random binning is equal to the capacity region. The achievability results are further specialized to obtain a lower bound on the mismatch capacity of the single-user channel by investigating a cognitive multiple access channel whose achievable sum-rate serves as a lower bound on the single-user channel's capacity. In certain cases, for given auxiliary random variables this bound strictly improves on the achievable rate derived by Lapidoth.

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