Emergent Mind

Linear Time Parameterized Algorithms via Skew-Symmetric Multicuts

Published Apr 28, 2013 in cs.DS and cs.DM


A skew-symmetric graph $(D=(V,A),\sigma)$ is a directed graph $D$ with an involution $\sigma$ on the set of vertices and arcs. In this paper, we introduce a separation problem, $d$-Skew-Symmetric Multicut, where we are given a skew-symmetric graph $D$, a family of $\cal T$ of $d$-sized subsets of vertices and an integer $k$. The objective is to decide if there is a set $X\subseteq A$ of $k$ arcs such that every set $J$ in the family has a vertex $v$ such that $v$ and $\sigma(v)$ are in different connected components of $D'=(V,A\setminus (X\cup \sigma(X))$. In this paper, we give an algorithm for this problem which runs in time $O((4d){k}(m+n+\ell))$, where $m$ is the number of arcs in the graph, $n$ the number of vertices and $\ell$ the length of the family given in the input. Using our algorithm, we show that Almost 2-SAT has an algorithm with running time $O(4kk4\ell)$ and we obtain algorithms for {\sc Odd Cycle Transversal} and {\sc Edge Bipartization} which run in time $O(4kk4(m+n))$ and $O(4kk5(m+n))$ respectively. This resolves an open problem posed by Reed, Smith and Vetta [Operations Research Letters, 2003] and improves upon the earlier almost linear time algorithm of Kawarabayashi and Reed [SODA, 2010]. We also show that Deletion q-Horn Backdoor Set Detection is a special case of 3-Skew-Symmetric Multicut, giving us an algorithm for Deletion q-Horn Backdoor Set Detection which runs in time $O(12kk5\ell)$. This gives the first fixed-parameter tractable algorithm for this problem answering a question posed in a paper by a superset of the authors [STACS, 2013]. Using this result, we get an algorithm for Satisfiability which runs in time $O(12kk5\ell)$ where $k$ is the size of the smallest q-Horn deletion backdoor set, with $\ell$ being the length of the input formula.

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