Emergent Mind

Bounded Model Checking of an MITL Fragment for Timed Automata

Published Apr 26, 2013 in cs.LO


Timed automata (TAs) are a common formalism for modeling timed systems. Bounded model checking (BMC) is a verification method that searches for runs violating a property using a SAT or SMT solver. MITL is a real-time extension of the linear time logic LTL. Originally, MITL was defined for traces of non-overlapping time intervals rather than the "super-dense" time traces allowing for intervals overlapping in single points that are employed by the nowadays common semantics of timed automata. In this paper we extend the semantics of a fragment of MITL to super-dense time traces and devise a bounded model checking encoding for the fragment. We prove correctness and completeness in the sense that using a sufficiently large bound a counter-example to any given non-holding property can be found. We have implemented the proposed bounded model checking approach and experimentally studied the efficiency and scalability of the implementation.

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