Emergent Mind


Bhawalkar, Kleinberg, Lewi, Roughgarden, and Sharma [ICALP 2012] introduced the Anchored k-Core problem, where the task is for a given graph G and integers b, k, and p to find an induced subgraph H with at least p vertices (the core) such that all but at most b vertices (called anchors) of H are of degree at least k. In this paper, we extend the notion of k-core to directed graphs and provide a number of new algorithmic and complexity results for the directed version of the problem. We show that - The decision version of the problem is NP-complete for every k>=1 even if the input graph is restricted to be a planar directed acyclic graph of maximum degree at most k+2. - The problem is fixed parameter tractable (FPT) parameterized by the size of the core p for k=1, and W[1]-hard for k>=2. - When the maximum degree of the graph is at most \Delta, the problem is FPT parameterized by p+\Delta if k>= \Delta/2.

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