Emergent Mind

Leaderless deterministic chemical reaction networks

Published Apr 16, 2013 in cs.CC , cs.DC , cs.DS , and q-bio.MN


This paper answers an open question of Chen, Doty, and Soloveichik [1], who showed that a function f:Nk --> Nl is deterministically computable by a stochastic chemical reaction network (CRN) if and only if the graph of f is a semilinear subset of N{k+l}. That construction crucially used "leaders": the ability to start in an initial configuration with constant but non-zero counts of species other than the k species X1,...,Xk representing the input to the function f. The authors asked whether deterministic CRNs without a leader retain the same power. We answer this question affirmatively, showing that every semilinear function is deterministically computable by a CRN whose initial configuration contains only the input species X1,...,Xk, and zero counts of every other species. We show that this CRN completes in expected time O(n), where n is the total number of input molecules. This time bound is slower than the O(log5 n) achieved in [1], but faster than the O(n log n) achieved by the direct construction of 1, since the fast construction of that paper (Theorem 4.4) relied heavily on the use of a fast, error-prone CRN that computes arbitrary computable functions, and which crucially uses a leader.

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