Emergent Mind

Analysis of urban traffic data sets for VANETs simulations

Published Apr 16, 2013 in cs.NI


Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) are self-organized, distributed communication networks built up from moving vehicles where each node is characterized by variable speed, strict limits of freedom in movement patterns and a variety of traffic dynamics. In the last few years vehicular traffic is attracting a growing attention from both industry and research, due to the importance of the related applications, ranging from traffic control to road safety. However, less attention has been paid to the modeling of realistic user mobility through real empirical data that would allow to develop much more effective communication and networking schemes. The aim of this study is then twofold: on one hand we derived real mobility patters to be used in a VANET simulator and on the other hand we simulated the VANET data dissemination achieved with different broadcast protocols in our real traffic setting.

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