Emergent Mind

The planar directed k-Vertex-Disjoint Paths problem is fixed-parameter tractable

Published Apr 15, 2013 in cs.DM , cs.DS , and math.CO


Given a graph G and k pairs of vertices (s1,t1), ..., (sk,tk), the k-Vertex-Disjoint Paths problem asks for pairwise vertex-disjoint paths P1, ..., Pk such that Pi goes from si to t_i. Schrijver [SICOMP'94] proved that the k-Vertex-Disjoint Paths problem on planar directed graphs can be solved in time n{O(k)}. We give an algorithm with running time 2{2{O(k2)}} n{O(1)} for the problem, that is, we show the fixed-parameter tractability of the problem.

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