Emergent Mind

Automorphisms of Cayley graphs generated by transposition sets

Published Mar 24, 2013 in cs.DM and math.CO


Let $S$ be a set of transpositions such that the girth of the transposition graph of $S$ is at least 5. It is shown that the automorphism group of the Cayley graph of the permutation group $H$ generated by $S$ is the semidirect product $R(H) \rtimes \Aut(H,S)$, where $R(H)$ is the right regular representation of $H$ and $\Aut(H,S)$ is the set of automorphisms of $H$ that fixes $S$ setwise. Furthermore, if the connected components of the transposition graph of $S$ are isomorphic to each other, then $\Aut(H,S)$ is isomorphic to the automorphism group of the line graph of the transposition graph of $S$. This result is a common generalization of previous results by Feng, Ganesan, Harary, Mirafzal, and Zhang and Huang. As another special case, we obtain the automorphism group of the extended cube graph that was proposed as a topology for interconnection networks.

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