Emergent Mind

CoMP Meets Smart Grid: A New Communication and Energy Cooperation Paradigm

Published Mar 12, 2013 in cs.IT and math.IT


In this paper, we pursue a unified study on smart grid and coordinated multi-point (CoMP) enabled wireless communication by investigating a new joint communication and energy cooperation approach. We consider a practical CoMP system with clustered multiple-antenna base stations (BSs) cooperatively communicating with multiple single-antenna mobile terminals (MTs), where each BS is equipped with local renewable energy generators to supply power and also a smart meter to enable two-way energy flow with the grid. We propose a new energy cooperation paradigm, where a group of BSs dynamically share their renewable energy for more efficient operation via locally injecting/drawing power to/from an aggregator with a zero effective sum-energy exchanged. Under this new energy cooperation model, we consider the downlink transmission in one CoMP cluster with cooperative zero-forcing (ZF) based precoding at the BSs. We maximize the weighted sum-rate for all MTs by jointly optimizing the transmit power allocations at cooperative BSs and their exchanged energy amounts subject to a new type of power constraints featuring energy cooperation among BSs with practical loss ratios. Our new setup with BSs' energy cooperation generalizes the conventional CoMP transmit optimization under BSs' sum-power or individual-power constraints. Finally, we validate our results by simulations under various practical setups, and show that the proposed joint communication and energy cooperation scheme substantially improves the downlink throughput of CoMP systems powered by smart grid and renewable energy, as compared to other suboptimal designs without communication and/or energy cooperation.

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