Emergent Mind


We consider the Gaussian wiretap channel with M helpers, where no eavesdropper channel state information (CSI) is available at the legitimate entities. The exact secure d.o.f. of the Gaussian wiretap channel with M helpers with perfect CSI at the transmitters was found in [1], [2] to be M/(M+1). One of the key ingredients of the optimal achievable scheme in [1], [2] is to align cooperative jamming signals with the information symbols at the eavesdropper to limit the information leakage rate. This required perfect eavesdropper CSI at the transmitters. Motivated by the recent result in [3], we propose a new achievable scheme in which cooperative jamming signals span the entire space of the eavesdropper, but are not exactly aligned with the information symbols. We show that this scheme achieves the same secure d.o.f. of M/(M+1) in [1], [2] but does not require any eavesdropper CSI; the transmitters blindly cooperative jam the eavesdropper.

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