Emergent Mind

Capacity Bounds for Wireless Ergodic Fading Broadcast Channels with Partial CSIT

Published Feb 22, 2013 in cs.IT and math.IT


The two-user wireless ergodic fading Broadcast Channel (BC) with partial Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT) is considered. The CSIT is given by an arbitrary deterministic function of the channel state. This characteristic yields a full control over how much state information is available, from perfect to no information. In literature, capacity derivations for wireless ergodic fading channels, specifically for fading BCs, mostly rely on the analysis of channels comprising of parallel sub-channels. This technique is usually suitable for the cases where perfect state information is available at the transmitters. In this paper, new arguments are proposed to directly derive (without resorting to the analysis of parallel channels) capacity bounds for the two-user fading BC with both common and private messages based on the existing bounds for the discrete channel. Specifically, a novel approach is developed to adapt and evaluate the well-known UV-outer bound for the Gaussian fading channel using the entropy power inequality. Our approach indeed sheds light on the role of broadcast auxiliaries in the fading channel. It is shown that the derived outer bound is optimal for the channel with perfect CSIT as well as for some special cases with partial CSIT. Our outer bound is also directly applicable to the case without CSIT which has been recently considered in several papers. Next, the approach is developed to analyze for the fading BC with secrecy. In the case of perfect CSIT, a full characterization of the secrecy capacity region is derived for the channel with common and confidential messages. This result completes a gap in a previous work by Ekrem and Ulukus. For the channel without common message, the secrecy capacity region is also derived when the transmitter has access only to the degradedness ordering of the channel.

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