Emergent Mind

Distributed Community Detection in Dynamic Graphs

Published Feb 22, 2013 in cs.SI , cs.DC , and math.PR


Inspired by the increasing interest in self-organizing social opportunistic networks, we investigate the problem of distributed detection of unknown communities in dynamic random graphs. As a formal framework, we consider the dynamic version of the well-studied \emph{Planted Bisection Model} $\sdG(n,p,q)$ where the node set $[n]$ of the network is partitioned into two unknown communities and, at every time step, each possible edge $(u,v)$ is active with probability $p$ if both nodes belong to the same community, while it is active with probability $q$ (with $q<<p$) otherwise. We also consider a time-Markovian generalization of this model. We propose a distributed protocol based on the popular \emph{Label Propagation Algorithm} and prove that, when the ratio $p/q$ is larger than $n^{b}$ (for an arbitrarily small constant $b>0$), the protocol finds the right "planted" partition in $O(\log n)$ time even when the snapshots of the dynamic graph are sparse and disconnected (i.e. in the case $p=\Theta(1/n)$).

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