Emergent Mind

Dynamical Properties of Discrete Reaction Networks

Published Feb 14, 2013 in cs.DM and math.DS


Reaction networks are commonly used to model the evolution of populations of species subject to transformations following an imposed stoichiometry. This paper focuses on the efficient characterisation of dynamical properties of Discrete Reaction Networks (DRNs). DRNs can be seen as modelling the underlying discrete nondeterministic transitions of stochastic models of reactions networks. In that sense, any proof of non-reachability in DRNs directly applies to any concrete stochastic models, independently of kinetics laws and constants. Moreover, if stochastic kinetic rates never vanish, reachability properties are equivalent in the two settings. The analysis of two global dynamical properties of DRNs is addressed: irreducibility, i.e., the ability to reach any discrete state from any other state; and recurrence, i.e., the ability to return to any initial state. Our results consider both the verification of such properties when species are present in a large copy number, and in the general case. The obtained necessary and sufficient conditions involve algebraic conditions on the network reactions which in most cases can be verified using linear programming. Finally, the relationship of DRN irreducibility and recurrence with dynamical properties of stochastic and continuous models of reaction networks is discussed.

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