Emergent Mind

Minimum Dominating Sets in Scale-Free Network Ensembles

Published Feb 11, 2013 in physics.soc-ph , cond-mat.stat-mech , and cs.SI


We study the scaling behavior of the size of minimum dominating set (MDS) in scale-free networks, with respect to network size $N$ and power-law exponent $\gamma$, while keeping the average degree fixed. We study ensembles generated by three different network construction methods, and we use a greedy algorithm to approximate the MDS. With a structural cutoff imposed on the maximal degree ($k{\max}=\sqrt{N}$) we find linear scaling of the MDS size with respect to $N$ in all three network classes. Without any cutoff ($k{\max}=N-1$) two of the network classes display a transition at $\gamma \approx 1.9$, with linear scaling above, and vanishingly weak dependence below, but in the third network class we find linear scaling irrespective of $\gamma$. We find that the partial MDS, which dominates a given $z<1$ fraction of nodes, displays essentially the same scaling behavior as the MDS.

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