Emergent Mind

Optimal Throughput-Outage Trade-off in Wireless One-Hop Caching Networks

Published Feb 8, 2013 in cs.IT , cs.NI , and math.IT


We consider a wireless device-to-device (D2D) network where the nodes have cached information from a library of possible files. Inspired by the current trend in the standardization of the D2D mode for 4th generation wireless networks, we restrict to one-hop communication: each node place a request to a file in the library, and downloads from some other node which has the requested file in its cache through a direct communication link, without going through a base station. We describe the physical layer communication through a simple "protocol-model", based on interference avoidance (independent set scheduling). For this network we define the outage-throughput tradeoff problem and characterize the optimal scaling laws for various regimes where both the number of nodes and the files in the library grow to infinity.

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