Emergent Mind

SMML estimators for exponential families with continuous sufficient statistics

Published Feb 4, 2013 in cs.IT , math.IT , math.ST , stat.ML , and stat.TH


The minimum message length principle is an information theoretic criterion that links data compression with statistical inference. This paper studies the strict minimum message length (SMML) estimator for $d$-dimensional exponential families with continuous sufficient statistics, for all $d \ge 1$. The partition of an SMML estimator is shown to consist of convex polytopes (i.e. convex polygons when $d=2$) which can be described explicitly in terms of the assertions and coding probabilities. While this result is known, we give a new proof based on the calculus of variations, and this approach gives some interesting new inequalities for SMML estimators. We also use this result to construct an SMML estimator for a $2$-dimensional normal random variable with known variance and a normal prior on its mean.

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