Emergent Mind

Sparse Multiple Kernel Learning with Geometric Convergence Rate

Published Feb 1, 2013 in cs.LG and stat.ML


In this paper, we study the problem of sparse multiple kernel learning (MKL), where the goal is to efficiently learn a combination of a fixed small number of kernels from a large pool that could lead to a kernel classifier with a small prediction error. We develop an efficient algorithm based on the greedy coordinate descent algorithm, that is able to achieve a geometric convergence rate under appropriate conditions. The convergence rate is achieved by measuring the size of functional gradients by an empirical $\ell_2$ norm that depends on the empirical data distribution. This is in contrast to previous algorithms that use a functional norm to measure the size of gradients, which is independent from the data samples. We also establish a generalization error bound of the learned sparse kernel classifier using the technique of local Rademacher complexity.

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