Emergent Mind

A Bound on the Throughput of Radio Networks

Published Feb 1, 2013 in cs.DS and cs.DC


We consider the well-studied radio network model: a synchronous model with a graph G=(V,E) with |V|=n where in each round, each node either transmits a packet, with length B=Omega(log n) bits, or listens. Each node receives a packet iff it is listening and exactly one of its neighbors is transmitting. We consider the problem of k-message broadcast, where k messages, each with Theta(B) bits, are placed in an arbitrary nodes of the graph and the goal is to deliver all messages to all the nodes. We present a simple proof showing that there exist a radio network with radius 2 where for any k, broadcasting k messages requires at least Omega(k log n) rounds. That is, in this network, regardless of the algorithm, the maximum achievable broadcast throughput is O(1/log n).

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