Emergent Mind

Fractional Perfect b-Matching Polytopes. I: General Theory

Published Jan 30, 2013 in math.CO and cs.DM


The fractional perfect b-matching polytope of an undirected graph G is the polytope of all assignments of nonnegative real numbers to the edges of G such that the sum of the numbers over all edges incident to any vertex v is a prescribed nonnegative number b_v. General theorems which provide conditions for nonemptiness, give a formula for the dimension, and characterize the vertices, edges and face lattices of such polytopes are obtained. Many of these results are expressed in terms of certain spanning subgraphs of G which are associated with subsets or elements of the polytope. For example, it is shown that an element u of the fractional perfect b-matching polytope of G is a vertex of the polytope if and only if each component of the graph of u either is acyclic or else contains exactly one cycle with that cycle having odd length, where the graph of u is defined to be the spanning subgraph of G whose edges are those at which u is positive.

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