Emergent Mind


We consider a constant $K$-user Gaussian interference channel with $M$ antennas at each transmitter and $N$ antennas at each receiver, denoted as a $(K,M,N)$ channel. Relying on a result on simultaneous Diophantine approximation, a real interference alignment scheme with joint receive antenna processing is developed. The scheme is used to provide new proofs for two previously known results, namely 1) the total degrees of freedom (DoF) of a $(K, N, N)$ channel is $NK/2$; and 2) the total DoF of a $(K, M, N)$ channel is at least $KMN/(M+N)$. We also derive the DoF region of the $(K,N,N)$ channel, and an inner bound on the DoF region of the $(K,M,N)$ channel.

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