Emergent Mind

Punctured Trellis-Coded Modulation

Published Jan 17, 2013 in cs.IT and math.IT


In classic trellis-coded modulation (TCM) signal constellations of twice the cardinality are applied when compared to an uncoded transmission enabling transmission of one bit of redundancy per PAM-symbol, i.e., rates of $\frac{K}{K+1}$ when $2{K+1}$ denotes the cardinality of the signal constellation. In order to support different rates, multi-dimensional (i.e., $\mathcal{D}$-dimensional) constellations had been proposed by means of combining subsequent one- or two-dimensional modulation steps, resulting in TCM-schemes with $\frac{1}{\mathcal{D}}$ bit redundancy per real dimension. In contrast, in this paper we propose to perform rate adjustment for TCM by means of puncturing the convolutional code (CC) on which a TCM-scheme is based on. It is shown, that due to the nontrivial mapping of the output symbols of the CC to signal points in the case of puncturing, a modification of the corresponding Viterbi-decoder algorithm and an optimization of the CC and the puncturing scheme are necessary.

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