Emergent Mind

Training Neural Networks with Stochastic Hessian-Free Optimization

Published Jan 16, 2013 in cs.LG , cs.NE , and stat.ML


Hessian-free (HF) optimization has been successfully used for training deep autoencoders and recurrent networks. HF uses the conjugate gradient algorithm to construct update directions through curvature-vector products that can be computed on the same order of time as gradients. In this paper we exploit this property and study stochastic HF with gradient and curvature mini-batches independent of the dataset size. We modify Martens' HF for these settings and integrate dropout, a method for preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors, to guard against overfitting. Stochastic Hessian-free optimization gives an intermediary between SGD and HF that achieves competitive performance on both classification and deep autoencoder experiments.

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