Emergent Mind

Maximum Balanced Subgraph Problem Parameterized Above Lower Bound

Published Dec 31, 2012 in cs.DS and cs.CC


We consider graphs without loops or parallel edges in which every edge is assigned + or -. Such a signed graph is balanced if its vertex set can be partitioned into parts $V1$ and $V2$ such that all edges between vertices in the same part have sign + and all edges between vertices of different parts have sign $-$ (one of the parts may be empty). It is well-known that every connected signed graph with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges has a balanced subgraph with at least $\frac{m}{2} + \frac{n-1}{4}$ edges and this bound is tight. We consider the following parameterized problem: given a connected signed graph $G$ with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges, decide whether $G$ has a balanced subgraph with at least $\frac{m}{2} + \frac{n-1}{4}+\frac{k}{4}$ edges, where $k$ is the parameter. We obtain an algorithm for the problem of runtime $8k(kn){O(1)}$. We also prove that for each instance $(G,k)$ of the problem, in polynomial time, we can either solve $(G,k)$ or produce an equivalent instance $(G',k')$ such that $k'\le k$ and $|V(G')|=O(k3)$. Our first result generalizes a result of Crowston, Jones and Mnich (ICALP 2012) on the corresponding parameterization of Max Cut (when every edge of $G$ has sign $-$). Our second result generalizes and significantly improves the corresponding result of Crowston, Jones and Mnich: they showed that $|V(G')|=O(k5)$.

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