Emergent Mind

Lattice Sparsification and the Approximate Closest Vector Problem

Published Dec 30, 2012 in cs.DS and cs.CC


We give a deterministic algorithm for solving the (1+eps)-approximate Closest Vector Problem (CVP) on any n dimensional lattice and any norm in 2{O(n)}(1+1/eps)n time and 2n poly(n) space. Our algorithm builds on the lattice point enumeration techniques of Micciancio and Voulgaris (STOC 2010) and Dadush, Peikert and Vempala (FOCS 2011), and gives an elegant, deterministic alternative to the "AKS Sieve" based algorithms for (1+eps)-CVP (Ajtai, Kumar, and Sivakumar; STOC 2001 and CCC 2002). Furthermore, assuming the existence of a poly(n)-space and 2{O(n)} time algorithm for exact CVP in the l2 norm, the space complexity of our algorithm can be reduced to polynomial. Our main technical contribution is a method for "sparsifying" any input lattice while approximately maintaining its metric structure. To this end, we employ the idea of random sublattice restrictions, which was first employed by Khot (FOCS 2003) for the purpose of proving hardness for Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) under lp norms.

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