Emergent Mind

Tangent Bundle Manifold Learning via Grassmann&Stiefel Eigenmaps

Published Dec 25, 2012 in cs.LG


One of the ultimate goals of Manifold Learning (ML) is to reconstruct an unknown nonlinear low-dimensional manifold embedded in a high-dimensional observation space by a given set of data points from the manifold. We derive a local lower bound for the maximum reconstruction error in a small neighborhood of an arbitrary point. The lower bound is defined in terms of the distance between tangent spaces to the original manifold and the estimated manifold at the considered point and reconstructed point, respectively. We propose an amplification of the ML, called Tangent Bundle ML, in which the proximity not only between the original manifold and its estimator but also between their tangent spaces is required. We present a new algorithm that solves this problem and gives a new solution for the ML also.

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