Emergent Mind


The most median-based de noising methods works fine for restoring the images corrupted by Randomn Valued Impulse Noise with low noise level but very poor with highly corrupted images. In this paper a directional weighted minimum deviation (DWMD) based filter has been proposed for removal of high random valued impulse noise (RVIN). The proposed approach based on Standard Deviation (SD) works in two phases. The first phase detects the contaminated pixels by differencing between the test pixel and its neighbor pixels aligned with four main directions. The second phase filters only those pixels keeping others intact. The filtering scheme is based on minimum standard deviation of the four directional pixels. Extensive simulations show that the proposed filter not only provide better performance of de noising RVIN but can preserve more details features even thin lines or dots. This technique shows better performance in terms of PSNR, Image Fidelity and Computational Cost compared to the existing filters.

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