Emergent Mind

Material Targets for Scaling All Spin Logic

Published Dec 13, 2012 in cond-mat.mes-hall , cond-mat.mtrl-sci , and cs.ET


All-spin logic devices are promising candidates to augment and complement beyond-CMOS integrated circuit computing due to non-volatility, ultra-low operating voltages, higher logical efficiency, and high density integration. However, the path to reach lower energy-delay product performance compared to CMOS transistors currently is not clear. We show that scaling and engineering the nanoscale magnetic materials and interfaces is the key to realizing spin logic devices that can surpass energy-delay performance of CMOS transistors. With validated stochastic nano-magnetic and vector spin transport numerical models, we derive the target material and interface properties for the nanomagnets and channels. We identified promising new directions for material engineering/discovery focusing on systematic scaling of magnetic anisotropy (Hk) with saturation magnetization (Ms), use of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, and interface spin mixing conductance of ferromagnet/spin channel interface (Gmix). We provide systematic targets for scaling spin logic energy-delay product toward a 2 aJ.ns energy-delay product, comprehending the stochastic noise for nanomagnets.

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