Emergent Mind

The structure of Renyi entropic inequalities

Published Dec 2, 2012 in quant-ph , cs.IT , math-ph , math.IT , and math.MP


We investigate the universal inequalities relating the alpha-Renyi entropies of the marginals of a multi-partite quantum state. This is in analogy to the same question for the Shannon and von Neumann entropy (alpha=1) which are known to satisfy several non-trivial inequalities such as strong subadditivity. Somewhat surprisingly, we find for 0<alpha<1, that the only inequality is non-negativity: In other words, any collection of non-negative numbers assigned to the nonempty subsets of n parties can be arbitrarily well approximated by the alpha-entropies of the 2^n-1 marginals of a quantum state. For alpha>1 we show analogously that there are no non-trivial homogeneous (in particular no linear) inequalities. On the other hand, it is known that there are further, non-linear and indeed non-homogeneous, inequalities delimiting the alpha-entropies of a general quantum state. Finally, we also treat the case of Renyi entropies restricted to classical states (i.e. probability distributions), which in addition to non-negativity are also subject to monotonicity. For alpha different from 0 and 1 we show that this is the only other homogeneous relation.

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