Emergent Mind

Optimal Power and Range Adaptation for Green Broadcasting

Published Nov 27, 2012 in cs.IT and math.IT


Improving energy efficiency is key to network providers maintaining profit levels and an acceptable carbon footprint in the face of rapidly increasing data traffic in cellular networks in the coming years. The energy-saving concept studied in this paper is the adaptation of a base station's (BS's) transmit power levels and coverage area according to channel conditions and traffic load. The traffic load in cellular networks exhibits significant fluctuations in both space and time, which can be exploited, through cell range adaptation, for energy saving. In this paper, we design short- and long-term BS power control (STPC and LTPC respectively) policies for the OFDMA-based downlink of a single-cell system, where bandwidth is dynamically and equally shared among a random number of mobile users (MUs). STPC is a function of all MUs' channel gains that maintains the required user-level quality of service (QoS), while LTPC (including BS on-off control) is a function of traffic density that minimizes the long-term energy consumption at the BS under a minimum throughput constraint. We first develop a power scaling law that relates the (short-term) average transmit power at BS with the given cell range and MU density. Based on this result, we derive the optimal (long-term) transmit adaptation policy by considering a joint range adaptation and LTPC problem. By identifying the fact that energy saving at BS essentially comes from two major energy saving mechanisms (ESMs), i.e. range adaptation and BS on-off power control, we propose low-complexity suboptimal schemes with various combinations of the two ESMs to investigate their impacts on system energy consumption. It is shown that when the network throughput is low, BS on-off power control is the most effective ESM, while when the network throughput is higher, range adaptation becomes more effective.

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