Emergent Mind

Approximate pattern matching with k-mismatches in packed text

Published Nov 23, 2012 in cs.DS


Given strings $P$ of length $m$ and $T$ of length $n$ over an alphabet of size $\sigma$, the string matching with $k$-mismatches problem is to find the positions of all the substrings in $T$ that are at Hamming distance at most $k$ from $P$. If $T$ can be read only one character at the time the best known bounds are $O(n\sqrt{k\log k})$ and $O(n + n\sqrt{k/w}\log k)$ in the word-RAM model with word length $w$. In the RAM models (including $AC0$ and word-RAM) it is possible to read up to $\floor{w / \log \sigma}$ characters in constant time if the characters of $T$ are encoded using $\ceil{\log \sigma}$ bits. The only solution for $k$-mismatches in packed text works in $O((n \log\sigma/\log n)\ceil{m \log (k + \log n / \log\sigma) / w} + n{\varepsilon})$ time, for any $\varepsilon > 0$. We present an algorithm that runs in time $O(\frac{n}{\floor{w/(m\log\sigma)}} (1 + \log \min(k,\sigma) \log m / \log\sigma))$ in the $AC0$ model if $m=O(w / \log\sigma)$ and $T$ is given packed. We also describe a simpler variant that runs in time $O(\frac{n}{\floor{w/(m\log\sigma)}}\log \min(m, \log w / \log\sigma))$ in the word-RAM model. The algorithms improve the existing bound for $w = \Omega(\log{1+\epsilon}n)$, for any $\epsilon > 0$. Based on the introduced technique, we present algorithms for several other approximate matching problems.

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